Tema: Gestão estratégica

Acessos neste artigo: 245

Certificado de publicação:
Certificado de Wagner de Almeida Dias



Wagner De Almeida Dias

ABSTRACT: historically organizations have shown a process of increasing the complexity of their structures and, after the globalization, a flattening of their organizational structure, leading them to adopt new ways of managing their processes and teams. Leadership has always played an important role in achieving goals, but its functions have been changing and reaching a strategic aspect for organizations. Leadership has moved from a function just to achieving goals to the function of convincing, aggregating and guiding people towards the objectives. The choice of a leader, is more than assigning powers within the organizational structure, interpersonal and intrapersonal factors of the leader must be taken into account for their choice, training and development effective leader. The development of effective leadership must be a constant activity within the high-performance organization, complex problems need high performance leaders and teams, focused on work and objectives, seeking excellence inside and outside the organization. The purpose of this paper is to verify the factors that interfere in the formation of the leader and his role in the organization as well as his development, to demonstrate the leadership styles and ways of acting within the organization, to show how the characteristics of high performance teams are and their strategic role in organizations in order to achieve a high performance.

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Foto do Usuário André Rodrigues Prado 09-02-2021 09:50:35

Trata-se de um bom artigo, mas devido ao evento ser brasileiro poderia estar em português. As figuras 2 e 3 estão sem a fonte.

Foto do Usuário Gloria Trovato 09-02-2021 09:50:35

El artículo presenta una revisión del tema que sin embargo no logra cumplir con los objetivos propuestos: ''verificar'' , ''demostrar'' , son términos que deben ser utilizados cuidadosamente (The purpose of this paper is to verify the factors that interfere in the formation of the leader and his role in the organization as well as his development, to demonstrate the leadership styles and ways of acting within the organization, to show how the characteristics of high performance teams are and their strategic role in organizations in order to achieve a high performance.) Podría mejorarse gramaticalmente la redacción: The leader role is no longer just a position within the organizational structure to make people produce, the leader has psychological and social characteristics that the group values, in this context the organization can have a formal and an informal leader. The X-teams described by Ancona (2002) suggest that their management be more adaptive and fluid, organizing the talents of the teams where and when they are needed in order to solve problems and achieve goals, the traditional concept that “results are obtained through people” should be expanded to “ results are obtained through people and partners ”. La presentación de las llamadas Tablas, no son tales. Se sugiere armonizar las partes que componen el artículo y redefinir el objetivo del mismo.

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